N y contando ... es esa época del año otra vez cuando la fiebre del fútbol trae a las naciones juntas, tocando los corazones de sus ciudadanos y la emoción se hace cargo de nuestras vidas diarias durante un mes entero ...!
Principales 3 consejos para los CFO sobre cómo abordar una estrategia de inteligencia de negocios
The largest CFO Networking Group in Middle East called MECA held an Innovation Summit around Business Intelligence (BI) in Dubai this month. The summit provided participants with an excellent overview of the opportunity that BI can bring to any organisation and how the CFO can make a difference.
I had the pleasure of being a panelist on ”What NOT to do with BI: Practical insights to improve your chances of a successful BI implementation”. Here are my top 3 tips from the panel discussion for any CFO who is looking to implement a BI strategy.
Inteligencia de negocios para las PYME - tiempo más rápido de valorar y más asequible que nunca
Dada la feroz competencia y las crecientes demandas de los clientes, las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES) necesitan hoy invertir en tener capacidades de BI para mantenerse relevantes y satisfacer estas demandas. Sin embargo, con los escasos recursos disponibles, la alineación de los negocios y las TI es vital para asegurar el éxito, y las nuevas opciones para soluciones de BI alojadas que liberan el flujo de efectivo son opciones atractivas para las PYMES.
¿Qué principales tendencias y predicciones de BI y analítica en 2014 hay que tener en cuenta?
¿Está preparada su organización para "After Big Data"?
A recent article in the Harvard Business Review by Thomas Davenport, professor and fellow at MIT, caught my attention. Davenport refers to the beginnings of a new era: “After Big Data” in his article Analytics 3.0. While organizations built around massive data volumes — such as Facebook, LinkedIn, eBay, Amazon and others — may be ready to move to the next wave of analytics, the full spectrum of big data capabilities is yet to be realized in the traditional organizations we work with on a daily basis.
TI tendencias 2013: Hype o realidad empresarial?
With the last quarter of this year already in fast motion, the race to the finish line of 2013 is on! Perhaps it is already a good moment to look at whether some of the IT Trends 2013 predicted by Gartner, PwC and many others, have actually surfaced for our customers and what this may mean for your organization.
¿Están otras industrias por delante del mercado de la salud en lo que respecta al análisis de datos?
I recently came across Tushar Hazra’s article called Data Analytics: What Healthcare Can Learn From Other Industries and was curious to read about his opinion on the state of data analytics across the North American market. Hazra said, “As a matter of business necessity, companies are moving toward a more aggressive approach to their utilization of data analytics. The most progressive and forward-thinking organizations clearly recognize the competitive edge data provides in getting their products or services to market faster.”
Business Analytics: ¿El final de una tendencia o espacio para el crecimiento?
In the last 14 years I have been living the expansion, consolidation and innovation of the BI market. No longer is BI a set of tools available only to the privileged few in IT or line of business analysts; BI is becoming ubiquitous in many organizations, and it is rapidly reaching into many areas of our lives as consumers. So one may ask, has BI reached full maturity; have we reached a saturation point with only limited evolutionary, incremental value in the years to come?Quite the opposite! While Gartner saw a slowdown of growth for BI Software from 17% in 2011 to 6.8% in 2012 to total $13.1bn worldwide*, we are seeing a tremendous shift in the industry with a series of innovations that are game changing and will deliver growth, if organizations can effectively adopt and transform.