Dada la feroz competencia y las crecientes demandas de los clientes, las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES) necesitan hoy invertir en tener capacidades de BI para mantenerse relevantes y satisfacer estas demandas. Sin embargo, con los escasos recursos disponibles, la alineación de los negocios y las TI es vital para asegurar el éxito, y las nuevas opciones para soluciones de BI alojadas que liberan el flujo de efectivo son opciones atractivas para las PYMES.
Cambio exitoso con SAP Business Intelligence
The pace of change, specially due to the rapid deployment of new technology is growing at an incredible pace. For businesses to remain competitive, they need to keep up with these changes almost constantly, it can come from an expansion, restructuring, merger and acquisition, regulatory compliance and more.SAP Business Intelligence Solutions unveils key concepts and processes that are vital to the planning and execution of successful change strategies. Being aware of happens in your business can optimize organizational change and smooth and speed the transition periods.
Take the example of Doha Bank, when they had to adapt to a new mandate from the Central Bank of Qatar to report key balance-sheet figures on a monthly basis. The timeline was tight and the requirements complex, with the pressure of punitive fines for the non-compliant.
Los informes financieros internos se realizaban previamente manualmente y los datos necesarios para los informes mensuales se distribuían entre varias fuentes. Después de un proceso intensivo de limpieza y consolidación de datos, el Banco recurrió a una solución de SAP Business Intelligence llamada Web Intelligence, que permitió que los informes se produjesen de forma automática y sin errores.
Although we used the example of a big organization, these solutions can also be adopted by the SME. SMEs use their speed of action as competitive advantage to remain in the game with the big players, and they have to constantly adapt to change, be it in the market, in their organization or in their business model.
Descubra cómo sus soluciones SAP Business Intelligence pueden ofrecer una transformación empresarial. Póngase en contacto con nosotros en, o deje un comentario a continuación.
Cloud computing - el favorito de las PYME en SAPPHIRE NOW
Responder rápidamente al cambio no es sólo una ventaja competitiva más, es un requisito de supervivencia. Un supuesto muy común es que las pequeñas empresas a menudo son más ágiles que las grandes empresas. Sin embargo, las pequeñas empresas pueden encontrarse atrapadas en medio de proyectos de TI largos y que consumen muchos recursos cuando intentan poner en marcha nuevas soluciones para apoyar su crecimiento. Cuando usted no tiene un equipo de TI vasta especializada para la implementación o presupuesto ilimitado de hardware y software, cada compra tiene que ser cuidadosamente considerada.
Aunque Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) puede beneficiar a empresas de todos los tamaños, las ventajas para la pequeña empresa son particularmente atractivas. No es de extrañar que la adopción de cloud computing entre las PYMES esté en auge. SaaS está disponible por suscripción, y permite que las aplicaciones de nivel empresarial se desplieguen rápidamente y sin la necesidad de capital de hardware o licencias en las instalaciones, y debido al concepto de la nube, puede aprovechar las economías de escala. La mejor parte es que puede escalar hacia arriba o hacia abajo para atender a sus necesidades y mejoras y parches no tienen que ser realizados por su personal de TI, que ahora puede centrarse en la estrategia de negocio de TI vital. Las aplicaciones OnDemand de SAP se pueden entregar en tan sólo 48 horas, para que pueda tenerlo en funcionamiento en semanas.
En el Cloud Campus de SAPPHIRE NOW puede descubrir las soluciones de nube de SAP, sin importar qué aspecto de su negocio esté buscando atender. Las soluciones cloud de SAP le permiten ser competitivo incluso cuando se trata de corporaciones más grandes, ya que tendrá acceso a las mismas tecnologías que ellas, y obtendrá la visión que necesita para tomar decisiones rápidas basadas en información para llevarlo a la cabeza de el juego.
At Clariba we understand the need that companies have for rapid solutions to their business problems, and we have been working with pre-packaged solutions as well as on demand, as this makes top notch BI solutions easily accessible, no matter the size of your cpmpany. If you cannot come to SAPPHIRE NOW Madrid this year, contact us at for more information on how we can help your company become more competitive. You can also check the SAPPHIRE NOW Cloud Blog for news and updates on this topic. You can also follow the Industry blog and the Services blog for more specific news.
SMEs Run SAP – Myth 4: SAP is not Agile Enough
The 4th and last post on our SAP Myth busting series, this article intends to show how SMEs can meet their need for speed with SAP.A bigger business is a better business. It’s a common assumption, but it’s not strictly true. Small to medium-sized businesses (SMEs) have a number of advantages over their larger counterparts. Their size is often their strength – it makes them agile. In fact, most SMEs we speak to pride themselves on this. They can respond faster to changes in the market and take advantage of new insight and opportunities faster than larger organizations.
To capitalize on their agility, SMEs need systems that play to this strength. Unfortunately, some SMEs get bogged down by manual processes. They rely on off-the-shelf software that doesn’t quite meet their needs and depend on spreadsheets for their business intelligence. All these things slow their businesses down and mean they’re more likely to miss opportunities. In this environment, executives often resort to making important decisions on a gut feeling rather than the latest data.
That’s why it’s always a surprise to hear an SME wondering if SAP software will slow them down. Maybe the perception is that SAP software is only for enterprise organizations, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s another business myth. Rather than slow these businesses down, SAP helps them become more agile and able to capitalize on opportunities faster.
Clariba has helped companies streamline their internal reporting processes, arriving in a particular case to an 80% reduction in the time it took to produce monthly internal reports. We also allow organizations reduce reliance on manual data, improving reporting accuracy, reducing errors and promoting decisions based on solid information rather than just gut feeling.
More importantly, we have the expertise to speed up the implementation process, so that your company can start enjoying the benefits of an SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence solutions in a short time frame. Furthermore, if you are worried about the impact the change will have over your employees, Clariba has best-in-class trainers, with years of experience, ready to help your employees make the transition from a spreadsheet based organization to the innovative and integrated information hub they will soon benefit from.
Contact us to discover how much SAP and Clariba can deliver to your company.
SMEs Run SAP – Myth 3: SAP is Too Complicated for Us
Blog number 3 on our SAP Myth Busting Series. It intends to show how SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligece (BI)can take you on a simple route to real business benefits. We know that implementing new IT systems can be a daunting prospect for some businesses. They worry that it’ll interrupt their everyday activities, take time to deploy and that staff will need time to get used to it. Similarly, when we talk to small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) about SAP software, they’re often under the false impression that SAP software is too complex for a business of their size. While they agree it could help them, they’ve always assumed it’s built for large enterprises.
The complexity of SAP is yet another myth that vanishes when you start looking at hard facts. We often speak to SMEs and they’re looking for software that’s easy to run, install and use, and they want to see real-life examples to prove it. They want to see organisations like theirs that have been there and done it. Thankfully, for us, SAP has 88,000 SMEs that have been there and done it. You can see what some of them have achieved by clicking here, they’ve got the figures to prove that it doesn’t take long to deploy the software and see a return on investment.
In the last few years, the number of SMEs implementing SAP software has tripled. That’s partly down to the fact that it’s easy to use and install, but also because it delivers all the benefits that SMEs are led to believe are just for the big boys. It’s not usually very long before they’ve automated previously manual processes, gained greater insight into their business and generated significant cost savings.
Clariba can help you unleash the potential of your SME, with the right business intelligence solution for your company, no matter how you are running it now. Our solutions based on SAP BusinessObjects technology and the expertise of our consultants will help you implement faster so you can enjoy the benefits quicker. We are also experts in end user training, to make sure that your employees will make the best of their new BI tool.
Still think SAP might be too complicated for you? watch this SAP Video and think again!
If you are an SME and want to know more about Clariba and SAP BusinessObjects Solutions, get in contact with us.
SMEs Run SAP – Myth 2: SAP is Too Expensive for Us
Continuing on our series of blogs on Myths that surround SAP, this second one intends to show how spending can be the best way to save.
A popular piece of received wisdom is that you have to speculate to accumulate, or, in simple terms, you've got to spend money to make money. Most businesses know that you can’t just throw money at a problem. However, they also recognise that carefully planned purchases can pay dividends.
Clariba works with many small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and we know how important every financial decision is to them. That’s why it’s important that we can demonstrate the value of what we do. Most of the businesses we talk to know SAP software can help them reduce costs. However, some of them have been under the impression that the software is only available to enterprise organisations with big budgets. These businesses risk missing out.
We get to break the good news that SAP is an affordable option for SMEs. In fact, SAP has around 88,000 SME customers to prove it. These businesses are not only reducing costs with SAP, they’re also boosting profitability. In most cases, that translates into a quick return on investment. As a result, we find that most of the SMEs we talk to conclude that they can’t afford not to deploy SAP software.
Whats more, Clariba´s solutions based on SAP BusinessObjects have helped small and medium sized business to:
automate distribution process of reports to users
improve management performance with reporting, query & analysis, and data integration
optimize customer support resources
improve campaign effectiveness
enhance data quality and compliance
We also have available our range of pre-packaged solutions called FastTrack. They are accessible and quick to deploy, which means your company can start enjoying the benefits of a top technology tool in a short time frame.
Here is what one of our SME clients has to say about one of our FastTrack solutions: “With Clariba’ FastTrack for Siebel CRM solution we are now able to better analyze data, segment customers, measure the ROI of our marketing initiatives and provide a rolled-up sales forecast. This capability allows us to be more competitive, offer better service to customers and provide a faster response to changing market conditions.”
Is your company an SME? Contact us to know more about how to benefit from SAP Solutions
SMEs Run SAP - Myth 1: You Have to be Big to Work with SAP
Mitos y malentendidos ensucian el mundo de los negocios. Todas las pequeñas empresas son ágiles, todas las empresas son grandes entidades corporativas, las cifras de ventas son las más importantes, los clientes siempre comprarán el mejor producto. Como todos sabemos, estos no resisten el escrutinio. Algunas empresas grandes son ágiles, otras no lo son, el flujo de efectivo es más importante que las ventas y el mejor producto no siempre es el más popular. La gente de negocios no puede permitirse hacer suposiciones y seguir ciegamente estos conceptos erróneos. Es por eso que hacemos nuestra investigación y basamos decisiones en hechos. Comenzamos una serie de publicaciones en el blog sobre los mitos que rodean a SAP, la plataforma que Clariba eligió para llevar Business Intelligence (BI) a nuestros clientes. Este primero pretende explicar por qué no tiene que ser una empresa para trabajar con SAP y SAP BusinessObjects.
Las pymes pueden ejecutar SAP
SAP en realidad trabaja con una base de clientes compuesta por una mayoría de pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYME). El software SAP combinado con la experiencia en implementación de Clariba les permite automatizar procesos y obtener una valiosa información sobre sus negocios. Al hacer esto, estas empresas eliminan las suposiciones de la ecuación, lo que significa que, en lugar de basarse en pruebas anecdóticas, trabajan con los hechos. El resultado es que les resulta más fácil detectar oportunidades e identificar áreas para mejorar.
Sin embargo, antes de que estas empresas comiencen a lidiar con los hechos, a menudo necesitan desafiar otro conjunto de ideas preconcebidas. Un Clariba que aparece con frecuencia es que SAP solo trabaja con organizaciones empresariales. Pero este no es el caso. Más del 77% de los clientes de SAP son pymes. ¡Eso es sobre 88,000 negocios! Además, SAP ha estado trabajando con pymes durante casi 40 años. Como resultado, la compañía entiende los desafíos únicos que enfrentan y las herramientas que necesitan para crecer.
El trabajo de Clariba es traducir eso a los clientes, ayudándolos a adaptar sus requisitos a la mejor herramienta de SAP disponible. Nuestras auditorías ayudan a las PYMES a tener una idea de dónde se encuentran en términos de su entorno de BI y los beneficios que podrían disfrutar con Clariba y SAP:
nuestras soluciones pre-empaquetadas accesibles permiten un despliegue rápido
optimizar los procesos mediante la automatización de las tareas de informes
mejorar la calidad de los datos, reduciendo la información engañosa que conduce a una toma de decisiones deficiente
descubra hechos ocultos y ofrezca ideas para tomar el mejor curso de acción.
ayudar a las pequeñas empresas a mejorar la gestión de los diferentes departamentos.
Si usted es una PYME y desea saber más acerca de las soluciones SAP, contáctenos.