Do you know how advanced analytics can help your business? In this article, we explain how this set of techniques allows you to make better data-driven decisions, improve the efficiency of your business, and surpass the competition.
Unlocking the Future of Decision-Making: Exploring SAP Analytics Cloud's Augmented Analytics and Integrated Planning Capabilities
Effortless SAP BusinessObjects 4.3 Migration: Unlocking the Potential of Your Enterprise BI Assets
Unlocking the Power of Hybrid Analytics: A 360° BI Assessment to Transform Your Organization
Ready for Takeoff: Embrace the Future of Analytics with SAP BusinessObjects 4.3 and SAP Analytics Cloud
Embark on a Journey to Future-Proof Your Analytics Environment and Boost Your Business
Your current SAP BusinessObjects environment is key to your business. However, as many of our customers, you probably are carrying a bit of extra weight with too many licenses that are not used to their full potential. Why not review whether you can optimize your environment and convert some of the unused license maintenance to SAP Analytics Cloud?
Top Highlights From The Newly-Released SAP BI Platform Version: 4.3 SP2
More than a year has passed since the first actionable 4.3 versions were launched, which provided massive visual enhancements, a simplified WebI interface, a harmonized look and feel, and increased integration with SAP Analytics Cloud.
KAUST adopta el camino hacia la analítica en la nube con Clariba
KAUST ha dado el primer paso hacia el objetivo de adoptar SAP BW/4HANA como parte de su estrategia a medio plazo para crear un nuevo sistema escalable y de múltiples fuentes y está considerando la inclusión de datos no estructurados y muchas otras fuentes de datos para gestionar escenarios de big data.
El camino al análisis híbrido de SAP: aproveche Lumira Designer 2.4 en SAP BusinessObjects 4.3 para implementar cuadros de mando altamente personalizados y preparar su plataforma para una experiencia en la nube
A medida que las organizaciones se mueven cada vez más a entornos híbridos solo en la nube o en la nube / en las instalaciones, poder consultar datos a través de interfaces gráficas como paneles de control es crucial para proporcionar resúmenes de información clave de un vistazo y fácilmente digeribles.