Optimizing Your Business Intelligence Strategy
Migrate without impacting your business activities while focusing on your critical enterprise BI assets and leading the way to a hybrid analytics scenario with SAP Analytics Cloud:
1. Preparación
Lista de verificación previa a la instalación
Plan de proyecto
2. Instalación
Instalación y agrupación de software.
Autenticación AD / SSO / SAP / STS
Complementos de cliente
3. Promoción de contenido
Universos, informes y cuadros de mando
Usuarios, grupos y perfiles
4. Pruebas & Correcciones
Pruebas de contenido crítico
Actualización de contenido
5. Puesta en marcha & Entrega
Preparación para la puesta en marcha
Entrega y documentación
Soporte después de la puesta en marcha
6. Formación (Opcional)
Formación delta
Formación de usuarios
Formación de administradores
Nuestros expertos te entregarán
Plataforma de BI empresarial de vanguardia
Your organization will not only benefit from the enhanced user experience, modernized interface, and new capabilities of SAP BusinessObjects 4.3, but also the tighter integration capability to SAP Analytics Cloud which will drive your hybrid analytics environment.
Huella on premise ajustada
The best of both worlds – leverage the trusted solutions from SAP BusinessObjects like WebIntelligence and Crystal Reports, while shifting towards SAP Analytics Cloud for your self-service, dashboarding and enterprise planning needs.
TCO optimizado con coste de mantenimiento reducido
Repurpose your SAP maintenance cost to invest in the transition to SAP Analytics Cloud – more value for your organization at lower TCO.
With hundreds of SAP BusinessObjects migrations under our belt, let our experts make the transition to SAP BusinessObjects 4.3 effortless for you and your organization. Contact us for more details.
The time to act is now
Let Clariba SEIDOR, the #1 SAP Analytics Partner, guide you in future-proofing your analytics platform so you are prepared for the challenges of tomorrow.