
SAP BusinessObjects 4.3

Feed your SAP Analytics Cloud with data from SAP Business Objects using this new connector

Feed your SAP Analytics Cloud with data from SAP Business Objects using this new connector

The latest current platform version of SAP BusinessObjects 4.3 SP2 can already be installed with the new edition of the connector for SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) called Live Data Connect 3.4. This connector allows cloud users to consume real data from SAP Analytics Cloud — from both WebIntelligence documents and Universes — in a more agile and secure way than ever before.

8 reasons why you should migrate to the new SAP BI 4.3

8 reasons why you should migrate to the new SAP BI 4.3

The famous adage, "Knowledge is power," is particularly true in an industry where change is not the exception, but the norm. When new mission-critical software updates loom on the horizon, you need to know about new features and enhancements ahead of time to plan your migration.

Highlights of the latest version of SAP BusinessObjects

Highlights of the latest version of SAP BusinessObjects

It has been over a year since the first installable versions of SAP BusinessObjects 4.3 were released, which provided massive visual enhancements, a simplified WebI interface, a harmonized look and feel, and tighter integration with SAP Analytics Cloud . However, these improvements were not enough for many customers, who had been reluctant to upgrade or migrate during 2021, meaning older versions are still in common use.

El viaje hacia la analítica híbrida de SAP: Aprovecha los modelos de datos de WebI en SAP BusinessObjects 4.3 para reducir el tiempo y el coste de obtención de conocimiento y generar confianza con los usuarios de negocio

El viaje hacia la analítica híbrida de SAP: Aprovecha los modelos de datos de WebI en SAP BusinessObjects 4.3 para reducir el tiempo y el coste de obtención de conocimiento y generar confianza con los usuarios de negocio

Las organizaciones de una variedad de sectores ya están avanzando hacia soluciones solo en la nube para el almacenamiento y análisis de datos, y están aprovechando los múltiples beneficios que brindan estas soluciones en términos de conveniencia, acceso y fiabilidad.

Una estrategia híbrida con las mejores analíticas

Una estrategia híbrida con las mejores analíticas

With the tighter integration of SAP BusinessObjects 4.3 and SAP Analytics Cloud your organization can continue to cater for on-premise enterprise reporting needs while enabling cloud interoperability and providing augmented analytics capabilities for your business users.
