What is SAP Analytics Cloud Planning Solutions?
Multiple source information consolidation and form a different companys areas to later analyze and be able to budget and plan, is a challenge for the finance team of any corporation that doesn´t have the correct tools.
SAC Planning Solutions is a SAP data analytics solution designed to help finance and planning areas to data collect and analyse with the propose of getting the best budget planning strategy.
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Lack of a system that allows the economic-financial planning cycle to be carried out.
Significant manual human effort, generally in excel spreadsheet administration, which increases the possibility of errors.
Little capacity to manage “macro variables”.
Multiple information sources that serve as the base for monitoring management indicators. But of complex extraction.
Non-unified database, where the information is consolidated for analysis and management reports.
Planificación Inteligente en la nube!
Easy to use, 100% cloud and intuitive interface. Excel layout for loading information.
Reporting for deviation analysis and budgeting (real and historical information). Friendly modeling and simulations.
Unified planning and analysis in a single interface. Automatic or manual collection of information, reducing maintenance and providing data integrity.
Independent users in terms of loading their information, modelling, reporting and processes.
Business processes guided by Business Process Flows, which allows to configure and define each milestone, facilitating communication and monitoring of each step in the process with collaborative tools.
Open and adaptable application. SAP and non-SAP integration, cloud and on-premise environments.
Tener el seguimiento diario del cash flow integrado a los sistemas
Simulación de escenarios de cobranzas y pagos
Planeamiento comercial a corto plazo
Detectar problemas de liquidez
Analizar la viabilidad de proyectos de inversión
Simular variaciones de pagos y cobranzas
Detección temprana de fechas de pago
Identificación de tipo de pagos a realizar y tipos de cobros disponibles
Business Intelligence (BI)
Elimine silos, y explore fácilmente información a través de toda la organización, con características intuitivas self service. Entregue insights a colaboradores y socios en el punto de decisión con historias dinámicas e interactivas.
Planeamiento Interactivo
Optimice planeamiento financiero core y operacional, convirtiendo planes en acciones. Diseñe mejores y más dinámicos modelos de negocios con workflows integrados, basados en insights sin bias y simulaciones interactivas.
AI & Analíticas Predictivas
Traiga a la superficie insights ocultos con herramientas de machine learning, simplifique el acceso a información crítica con Natural Language Processing, y modele fácilmente escenarios complejos con capacidades predictivas poderosas.
Descubre cómo tomar decisiones de negocio acertadas con SAP Analytics Cloud y SAP Integrated Business Planning.