Corporater BMP replaces legacy software such as Excel with an enterprise-grade specialist platform, facilitating collaboration, transparency, and traceability.
Working in tandem with Corporater Strategy & Performance Planning and Execution, you have access to a full and detailed overview of risk across the organization, aligned with your core strategy.
Solution benefits & functionalities
Create a digital twin of your organization
Have a complete overview of your projects and portofolios
Keep your projects on track
Integrate all your PPM data into a single source of truth
Save time and improve efficiency with automated processes and workflows
Improve communication and collaboration
Grow into the future
Solution key capabilities
Custom Dashboards
BI & Analytics
Powerful Reports
Alerts & Notifications
Meeting Management
Flexible Configuration
Visualización de datos
Business Framework Support
Incident Management
Alerts & Notifications
Access Control
Single Sign-on (SSO)
Nuestros clientes
Webinars a demanda
Take a strategic, integrated approach with Project Portofolio Management
Building resilience by integrating strategy, performance and risk management
Get in touch with us today for more information.